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Many small and medium-sized manufacturers are still struggling to keep up with the fluctuating workplace safety standards and overall understanding of available programs and resources concerning their workforce.

During this webinar, experts will provide information on one-on-one business technical assistance, employee subsidies, tax credits, and free PPE in regards to COVID-19, as well as offer guidance on workplace safety standards and important HR-related issues.

Key Topics:

  • One-on-one business technical assistance, employee subsidies, tax credits, and free PPE
  • Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards; key provisions; occupational exposure barriers; and company safety plans
  • HR-related issues from an employer’s perspective; vaccination status; and how to share sensitive information appropriately

CMTC is hosting monthly webinars on the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Temporary Standards. We will include updated/refreshed information for every webinar.

Register now to benefit from in-depth guidance for California Manufacturers.

Meet the Speakers

Stephanie Holloway, Senior External Relations and Strategic Partnerships Manager, Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS)
Teddi Penewell, CSP, CIT, Principal, M.R.S. OSHA Safety Consulting
Jeri Summer, Senior Manager of HR, Administration, & Recruitment, CMTC